
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

FBC Rowlett’s commitment to spreading the gospel extends beyond its immediate community. We are partnered with multiple mission organizations, and are actively involved in mission trips to various places around the world as well as our local schools. These endeavors serve as powerful avenues to share the gospel with diverse audiences. We thrive to provide opportunities to impart spiritual guidance and education about Jesus Christ while also helping those in need.

Select an area on the map to learn more…

North America

Harlem, New York

Cultivate NYC is a church plant in partnership with the North American Mission Board. FBC Rowlett joined in 2021 to support their work and has since taken annual trips to serve the people of Harlem with the church.

Montreal, Québec, Canada

FBC Rowlett is partnered with the La Chapelle church in Montreal to help upgrade facilities, encourage the staff, and assist their missional effort. La Chapelle was planted by the North American Mission Board in 2015.

Central America

Puerto Rico

FBC Rowlett has a strategic partnerships with the North American Mission Board that are geared towards laboring alongside the churches across the island of Puerto Rico to encourage and equip Puerto Rican churches in evangelism and discipleship across the island.


Abuja, Nigeria

In the fall of 2023, Philip and Suzie Burgess partnered with Wycliffe Bible Translators and visited Nigeria, a country of over 500 languages! Here, they utilized their expertise in linguistics and translation methodologies to bring the Gospel to diverse communities. Philip and Suzie both had a passion for missions from a young age and met while serving with Wycliffe as singles in different projects in Cameroon, West Africa.


Jess & Janet Peek are a couple from Oklahoma who literally sold all they had and moved to serve the people in Kenya. Their first international trip was to Kenya in 2015, and have since been able to teach the gospel to a multitude of people.


Chiang Mai, Thailand

FBC Rowlett started working with International Mission Board personnel in 2022. Our hope is to take an annual voyage and build this partnership, encouraging full-time missionaries and their work.

Our Mission Partners